The Smartmac is a powerful, precise, efficient & economical moulder series from Leadermac suitable for all sizes of shops. Features include a solid 1-piece cast iron main frame, hardened chrome tables and fences, & a lift up sound and safety enclosure with safety interlocks and strobe free lighting. SPECIFICATIONS: 5-Head moulder 5″ x 7″ Wide capacity Minimum length of material – 8″ (butt fed) Axial adjustment side heads – 0.8″ Axial adjustment top/bottom heads – 0.8″ Feed speeds of 20 to 85 FPM (4 HP feed motor) CONFIGURATION: 1st head: 7.5 HP bottom 2nd & 3rd head: 15 HP right & left side 4th head: 15 HP top 5th head: 10 HP bottom All spindles are 40mm and standard 6000 RPM FEATURES: All spindles have horizontal and vertical adjustment from the front of the machine Serrated steel feed rollers before top horizontal head Rubber coated feed rollers after top horizontal head (2) Full width driven bottom infeed roller Powered raise and lower of feed support beam All top rolls are pneumatically tensioned Edge reference straightening system All tables, bedplates, chipbreakers, pressure plates, and fences are hardened chrome for better wear resistance Hand pump bed lubrication system Machine weight: 8,200 Lbs. (1) Complete set of cutterheads for 7″ Max width included: Carbide spiral 1st bottom head and standard 4-knife heads. OPTIONS: Electronic DC Brakes (US manufactured) for the Cutterhead Spindle Assemblies including small steel enclosure that can be mounted separately or can be mounted on top of the main electrical enclosure. Benefits – Quick Stopping of the Cutterheads for Safety & for Faster Cutterhead & Pattern Change. Price: 230 Volt – 4 Brakes $ 1,445.00 ea x 4 = $5,780.00 LMC MOU200600X29 Cutterhead Setting Stand for measuring radial diameter before and after grinding, to determine change in radial diameter. The dimensions obtained can be used to set the dual mechanical digital readout on the moulder. Price: $1,395.00




ELECTRICAL: 230/460, 3PH
