The Taylor Door Pro clamping system is designed for the medium to large door shop that clamps either large door production runs or a kitchen at a time. All clamps and clamping bars easily reposition for changing door sizes. The Taylor Door Pro was a natural progression from the JLT Single Door Clamp. We have installed hundreds of machines in shops across North America. Machines come in 5 and 8 station models and some customers order an 8 station frame with 4 stations installed. This provides for easy expansion in the future. In a typical door shop glue is applied and components assembled on an assembly table. The door is placed in a section and clamps adjusted. The cylinders are activated by one valve which first creates side pressure pushing the door to the left side square, a second later the vertical clamps are activated to create pressure on the glue joints. A motor drive is used to rotate the next section. The cured door is removed and new components are placed in that section for clamping. Our 5 section Door Pro can produce up to 250 doors in an 8 hour shift. This equates to approximately 2.5 minutes per door and a clamping time of 12 minutes.




